Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question?

Last Updated: February 2014

Getting Started
Customizing the System
Everyday Processing
Your Account & Data
How secure is my data when working in Accounting?

Your data is very secure. Your company information is protected by your username and password. No one has access to your company information unless you have invited them and only then will they be able to log in with their own username and password. As a registered user, you will have full control over who is invited as a user and you have full control over permissions per user.

Pastel employees do not have access to any user information and therefore cannot access your company data without receiving permission and login details from you.

For your security, if you are logged in and do not use Accounting for an extended period (2 hours) you will be automatically logged off. Please refer to the FAQ below regarding session expiries.

I have reset my Password and I am still waiting for confirmation from Accounting to acknowledge this, what do I do now?

Once the system receives your request it will immediately process this and you will receive confirmation in the form of an email. If, however, you have not received an email within a few minutes, please do not hesitate to email us. You should also view your Junk Mail folder as it might be in there having been detected as spam.

Can I have my data returned to me should I choose to discontinue with Accounting?

No. There is currently no single export file that can be returned to you, however, you are able to print all reports and export to Excel.

How do I change my email address (Username) should I sign up with a new service provider?

You can change your email address (Username) in the My Profile section on the Administration menu.

Can I pay online should I want to purchase Accounting?

Yes. You can access the Administration menu and select the My Profile option. Here you will be able to Pay by Credit Card and Upgrade your Account.

If you pay for Accounting by credit card, your credit card details are not stored by Accounting and cannot therefore be accessed by anyone.

Can I import data from an accounting package that I have been using?

Yes, you can import master file information such as Customers, Suppliers and Items.We have handy guides and Excel templates to assist you with these imports.

Importing from Previous Accounting System

Should I choose to use one of your desktop packages would I be able to convert the data and continue with processing?

No. Should you wish to make use of another accounting package, you will need to do take on balances. You can export master file data in CSV format to import into your accounting package.

How do I run a Year End on Accounting?

You do not run a Year End on Accounting. At the end of the financial year, Accounting will prompt you to change the financial year and process in the next year. Make sure that you click the Yes button on this prompt and it will be business as usual.

You can view your new financial year under Company Settings. You can also change or add a new financial years here.

All reporting is Accounting is completely date driven and your current financial year will be used to determine which year to print reports for and which year to display on your Dashboard graphs.

Can I reverse transactions I have processed in error?

Yes, you are able to reverse transactions in various ways:

For Bank and Credit Card transactions and Journals, choose the option "Show Previous Transactions" and choose the date range. You are then able to edit and/or delete processed transactions.

For Customer and Supplier Invoices, you can edit the invoice provided it has not been printed or allocated to a receipt or payment. If the invoice has been printed or allocated, you will need to process a Customer Credit Note or Supplier Return. If the invoice is not printed but allocated, you can edit it after un-allocating the receipt or payment. Check the status of the document to determine whether you can edit it or not.

Customer Receipts and Supplier Payments can be edited if they have not been printed or allocated. Should you be unable to edit the Receipt or Payment, you will need to reverse it by processing a new Receipt or Payment with a negative amount. Check the status of the Receipt or Payment to determine whether you can edit it or not.

How do I change my banking details, telephone number and email address that appears on my customer and supplier documents?

Some information can be added to your company setup that will allow you to print information on documents such as invoices and statements. Select Manage Companies from the Company menu, then click on the edit button on the company that you wish to edit.

Select the Additional Details tab to add company information.

Your logo can be added by choosing the Document Setup and Logos tab.

Your logo can be added by choosing the Document Setup and Logos tab. Banking details, for example, can be added to the Customer Document Messages tab to display and print each time an invoice is processed. Should you require additional customizations, you will need to use the Accounting Custom Layout Designer.

I would like to fully customize my documents, am I able to do this?

I would like to fully customize my documents, am I able to do this? The Accounting Custom Layout Designer is a Windows desktop tool that you can download and use to create your own customer and supplier invoice and statement layouts. For more information on customizing reports, go to Customize Your Reports using the Accounting Custom Layout Designer in the online help.

Steps to customize:

  • Load the Accounting Custom Layout Designer. Choose the type of layout to customize.
  • Change the layout for your business. Note: Your company logo cannot be added onto the layout you are customizing. Ensure that your company logo has been selected under your Company Details - Document Setup and Logos.
  • Save the layout.
  • Under Company Details - Report Layouts, choose the customized layout you wish to use for each report.
How many companies can I create on Accounting?

You can create the amount of companies that you are registered for. To verify this, go to the Administration menu and choose the My Profile option to view the number of companies that you are registered for. To increase the number of companies you will need to select the option Upgrade My Account on the My Profile screen. Should you wish to decrease the number of companies you will be required to email us with your request and an agent will be in touch with you.

Are you able to limit User Access?

Yes, you can limit user access by choosing Control User Access on the Administration menu. Permissions can be set per user.

What is the duration of the Trial period after I have signed up?

Your trial period is for 58 days.

How do I backup my data on Accounting?

There is no need for you to back up your own data. Your data is backed up daily and all backups are stored for two weeks. Your data is further stored in two different locations accommodating multiple points of failure.

I get a message that my session has expired. What does this message mean?

When working on Accounting and the system does not detect any activity for 2 hours, it will log you off automatically. This is for your security.

If you were busy processing transactions and your session expired, the system will save your transactions so that when you log back in you can restore any unprocessed transactions.

Please note: In order for Accounting to save unprocessed transactions, you have to use one of the following internet browser versions:

  • Internet Explorer Version 8 or higher
  • Firefox Version 3.5 or higher
  • Chrome Version 4 or higher
Recording Assets in Accounting

Accounting allows you to create and edit your company assets. When creating your assets, you are able to enter a short description of the asset, assign a category and location to the asset. You may enter a serial number if applicable as well as a purchase price, the current value and the replacement value.

Please note: Accounting does not calculate depreciation. You will need to manually calculate your depreciation and make the necessary journal entries. Consult your accountant or invite your accountant to your company to do this for you.

How do I take on opening balances or adjust opening balances I have entered incorrectly?

When you create customers, suppliers, bank or credit card accounts and accounts, you can enter an opening balance and a date at which the balance applies. Once you process any transactions to your customer, supplier, bank account or account, you cannot change the opening balance. Should you need to change the opening balance, you will use the Adjust Opening Balances option. For detailed information on taking on opening balances, refer to the Entering Opening Balances topic in the Online help file.

How do I invite my accountant as a user on Accounting?

Under the Administration menu, the Manage Users option will allow you to invite users such as your accountant to your company. To add your accountant or an additional user, click on Add User and then fill in your accountant's details on the screen.

Your accountant or additional user will only have access to the company that you were in when you added them. You can use the Control User Access option to give your users access to additional companies and set permissions which will allow or deny your users access to certain functionality.